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News January 1, 2000

CapTech Sponsors PhillyNET Code Camp 2014


CapTech is sponsoring Philly.NET Code Camp 2014 this Saturday and Sunday, June 21-22 at Valley Forge Casino Resort in King of Prussia, PA. The event will include 74 sessions covering both Microsoft and web related development technologies by 60+ speakers. CapTecher, Brandon Atkinson is one of these speakers, and will be hosting 'Build a Custom Web part using HTML, JavaScript, & the XML Viewer Web Part in SharePoint'.

About Brandon:

Brandon Atkinson is an architect and developer for CapTech Consulting in Richmond, VA. He specializes in Microsoft technologies including SharePoint and .NET. Brandon has worked in all areas of SharePoint including architecture, development, installations, configuration, and administration. He is regular contributor to the SharePoint forums on TechNet, as well as providing code samples to the TechNet Gallery and Codeplex. He has also received the Microsoft MVP award for SharePoint Server. Brandon has authored books and maintains a blog at​ where he posts regularly about SharePoint development and configuration.

'Build a Custom Web part using HTML, JavaScript, & the XML Viewer Web Part in SharePoint' Saturday, June 21st, 2014 at 3:00 pm on 6 DE

This topic could also be called, "The Non-Developers Guide to Developing in SharePoint", as we'll explore how you can utilize HTML, JavaScript, and the XML Viewer Web Part to build custom solutions. SharePoint development can be complex and requires knowledge of several different technologies. Luckily SharePoint exposes a ton of functionality through its JavaScript object model and REST API. These allow for anyone comfortable building HTML pages and using JavaScript to build simple to complex web parts for use in their SharePoint environment. Best of all, development can be done via any browser and using any HTML editor!

In this session:

  • We'll review the solution and the bits needed to make it work
  • We'll review the JavaScript Object Model (and REST API) to see how to retrieve and manipulate data
  • Walk through some real world demos and complete solutions in action
  • Look at more complex scenarios
  • Review the pros and cons of this technique