Before you jump into the course, it is helpful to have a background in the tools and technology that the course expects the learner to understand. If you are a seasoned services developer, it is likely you are just about ready. For those newer to services development, take the time to understand the topics below. Do not be intimidated by the list, familiarize yourself with the basics and the course will provide the additional detail you need.
Here is a breakdown of topics to cover and helpful resources (I have no affiliations nor endorsements with any of these resources):
Programming Concepts — The course recommends having experience with an object-oriented programming language such as Java. However, the course centers around learning DataWeave. So you will do well enough by understanding basic programming concepts including objects and classes, arrays and collections, variables, looping and flow control, conditions, data types, functions, and basic operators (including the modulo operation).
HTTP — Hypertext Transfer Protocol, the popular means by which the world connects and communicates with APIs. Be familiar with requests and responses, headers, status codes, and the various methods and their purposes.
JSON — JavaScript Object Notation. Familiarize yourself enough to understand the syntax and formation of objects and collections/arrays of objects. You don’t really need to do anything with JSON Schema for the exam, but it is worth taking a moment to understand the basics.
RESTful APIs — Representational State Transfer. RESTful is the popular approach to API development on MuleSoft, so it is helpful to understand the basics, and doing so will help put-it-all-together with what you learned about HTTP and JSON.
- If you are new to APIs, this intro will help you get started.
- An intro tutorial to cover the basics of RESTful web services.
RAML — RESTful API Modeling Language. This is the language the exam prioritizes for designing APIs. If you get familiar with RAML beforehand, you will ace the API spec design parts of the exam.
SOAP Web Services — You want a basic understanding of the structure of an XML document, what a WSDL is, and how a SOAP message is structured.
Queues and JMS — Learn just enough to understand the basic types of queues, publishing and consuming, and synchronous versus asynchronous.
- An article that explains the basics of JMS.
Working with Files — A basic understanding of FTP, FTPS, SFTP, as well as working with directories and files to list, read, write, and move. In MuleSoft, working with files and the various file transfer protocols is all very similar.
- An article describing the differences in the file protocols.
SQL and Relational Databases — Know just enough SQL to create CRUD statements
Maven — MuleSoft uses Maven for dependency management. You will want to understand what a POM file is and how to edit it.
Batch Processing — Just enough to understand what batch processing is used for, batch jobs and steps, and parallel processing.
Eclipse IDE Basics — Anypoint Studio is built on top of Eclipse. It is helpful to know your way around the basics in Eclipse, including common views and perspectives, basic configuration and preferences, workspaces, and also the concept of a project including deploying, running, and debugging one. Your best bet here is to download Anypoint Studio and experiment with its features. You will install Anypoint Studio as part of the course.