CapTech Becomes a User Experience Partner for CreativeMornings Richmond
RICHMOND, VA – March 6, 2017 – CapTech is pleased to announce its support of CreativeMornings Richmond becoming a User Experience Partner for 2017. CreativeMornings is a global initiative to gather creative communities monthly centered around a shared theme. CreativeMornings Richmond was founded in 2015 and hosts a breakfast lecture series each month to foster collaboration and inspire the local creative commonwealth.
"As members of the creative community both locally and nationally, we are excited to support such a positive organization that engages, inspires and encourages the creative minds in our backyard," said Ralph Cummins, Director of CapTech's Customer Experience Practice.
CreativeMornings Richmond announces their breakfast lecture series monthly. Ticket sign up is free and available to the first 200 registrants. "CapTech is excited to be part of the growing creative movement and conversation that is CreativeMornings," said CapTech Creative Director Kevin Flores.
"We're thrilled to have such a wonderful partner in Captech supporting Richmond's creative community through our monthly CreativeMornings events. As the User Experience Partner, we'll be working closely with the creative minds at Captech to bring some special experiences to life for our guests in the coming months!" says Doug Nunn, founder and host of CreativeMornings Richmond.
To learn more about getting involved with CreativeMornings Richmond, or to sign up for their monthly newsletter, visit: