From July 24-26, CapTech CX Managing Director Jason Snook will be speaking at the first annual Voice Summit at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Newark, NJ. The Summit is the largest voice event in the world, with over 1500 attendees and more than 200 speakers. Jason's talk, will be focused on designing for Turing: voice, AI, and the future of CX. He says of his presentation, "Much of UX and Design work in the past has been about presenting semi-static content and transactional functionality on screens of varying form factors. Today, with Voice and AI, all the typical interaction patterns need to be reevaluated. Use cases that weren't even previously feasible now have to be considered. And the very nature of the content and functionality CX practitioners are designing for is in flux like never before."
Audience members can expect a thought-provoking overview of current industry trends around voice-enabled technology and artificial intelligence. The talk will also provide a framework and patterns to can be used to determine meaningful concepts and applications of Voice and AI technology. Attendees should leave with ideas of where they fit into this conversation and their responsibility as an active part of developing the trends.
To learn more about the voice summit, you can visit the event page here.